The beginning.

Life after graduation = just the beginning & the journey with my Forever Phase continues! 

So the piles of syllabi came and went as I'm now officially an alumnus of The Ohio State University! Those four years swept me up in a time filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and after it all, I must say I'm thankful for every second of it. Primarily, I felt college would be where I'd come to learn about my specific area of interest (business) while gaining some new friends and leadership here and there on the way. It turned out to be SO much more.

The challenges were elevated to a whole different level because at the end of the day I knew deep in my heart that I truly had the freewill to determine the man I was becoming. There was never a bar of achievement created by the college, my professors, family or friends that said "Greg, you need to perform this well." or "You should work this hard to get the outcome you desire." It didn't exist because in college those decisions become yours to make. I learned to stop looking at everyone as competition which helped me to focus my energy on creating myself into the best ME. In high school, it was easy to know if you were doing well by making quick GPA or extra-curricular involvement comparisons to the handful of standouts in the class. College taught me to carve out the perfect definition of success for me. It wasn't the best choice for me to lead every organization on campus but to find one and lead it exceptionally well. I didn't have to overwhelm myself to maintain a 4.0, as long as I grasped knowledge that would be applicable in the long term and did so in a scholarly manner ;). I want you to know, whoever you are reading this post, that you too have a special definition of success that only you can determine. Don't let it come from: money, textbooks, degrees,  GPAs, test scores or any other idolized item out there in the universe. There is only one you and therefore ONLY ONE lifestyle that's meant to bring out the best in you that no one else can mimic. I'm not saying turn your back on society's definition of success. I'm saying look at it, analyze it, understand it, and pull from it what will be a great asset to the person you want to become.

As I venture to California to start my life after college, I know I'm constantly going to have to make decisions that hopefully place me one step closer to the man I want to become. I'm not worried, even though I know the mistakes and roadblocks will come. I'm confident in God to see me through those times. I'm also confident in myself to have discernment for what decisions will help create MY most successful self. Therefore, the journey towards my Forever Phase undoubtedly continues. Let your journey towards your Forever Phase continue as well. Keep reaching, keep climbing, keep learning, and with faith in your journey you'll keep soaring higher and higher. With this being my first post, I hope it's a good one. I honestly just want to make peoples lives better. I know words of hope and encouragement can go a LONG way. I've experienced it plenty of times. Remember, if you truly want success, it doesn't have to be a phase...but it can be FOREVER! Talk to you soon!

-Mr. FP


  1. Many fail to realize how much power the tongue holds. It's a tool that can be used to inspire countless people. Without a doubt the love & motivation you spread to those you meet will surely be reciprocated back to you. Proud of you man, keep up the positivity Daddy-O!

    1. Thanks Daddy-O! Much love man I really appreciate the support bro be great!


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