What Now?!...MORE, much MORE!

SO... you've won the game, completed the mission, got the job, wrapped up the project and you feel like there's not too much left to do but celebrate! Actually, there's more left to do than you could ever imagine. I won't lie, I sort of thought I was in for a bit of a "break" once I turned the tassel 6 months ago. I thought work would be a little more relaxed than college given there wouldn't be exams, homework, or RESIDENTS to manage lol. Man was I wrong. Work is SO much MORE! More work, more people managing, more risks, more FUN...a lot more fun, and definitely more responsibility.

I'm still learning what this post-grad life is all about but one thing's for sure, it's absolutely not about becoming complacent. Don't allow the win, the final round, or the offer to ever get to your head in a way that slows you down. This doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy your accomplishments and celebrate as much as you deserve to. I'm just encouraging you to live it up while keeping in mind the days, months, and years ahead. They will without a doubt be filled with new roadblocks and mountains of challenges. However, if you keep in mind the feeling of accomplishment that will come with reaching the next goal you set for yourself, the journey will always be worth it.

STAY ENCOURAGED and MOTIVATED to keep walking in your Forever Phase. Try something new, learn something difficult, and push your limits as a human being to reach the best version of you. The photo you see is a shot taken of me at work while hosting an awards ceremony. Just 2 months in and I chose to throw myself out there in front of the whole department as an MC. It was exhilarating and I'm very grateful I had the opportunity to do it. More importantly, it would've never happened had I been satisfied with putting my speaking days behind me after college. Therefore, know there's MORE left to your story and mine! More adventure, learning, loving, winning, losing, and working... MUCH more working.

If you TRULY want SUCCESS, it doesn't have to be a phase...but it can be FOREVER!

-Mr. FP


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